Applications Advanced actuators using SILA technology are in development for break-through solutions in Aerospace and Bionic Prosthetics. With technology and manufacturing readiness increasing rapidly, WaveDrives is exploring robotic, industrial and energy capture applications for more direct, less regulated routes to market.

In preparation, WaveDrives worked with the National Physical Laboratory to develop scaling models optimising power-to-weight for SILA’s unique magnetic arrays. WaveDrives then designed and built SILA-P8 to an Airbus specification for utility actuation.
Evolution of SILA for landing gear application prepares for wider electrification applications in aerospace, marine, automotive and industrial.

Bionic prosthetics present a huge actuation challenge. A prosthetic needs to match the missing limb, not just in appearance but in use.
Form, function, safety, reliability, availability, acceptability and lifetime cost-of ownership are key to meeting end-user needs.
Ossur, the market leading bionics supplier, has selected SILA for its development program. Bionic applications are expected to make full use of SILA features for OEM, end-user and service chain benefit. Evolution of SILA for prosthetic applications prepares for wider applications in humanoid robotics, exoskeletons and rehabilitation.

Industrial Safer co-bots; more cost-effective pick & place; process control with real-time force sensing and warehouse vehicles with longer duty cycles are all possible with SILA efficiency and feature-set. Once in mass manufacture, low lifetime cost of ownership, low downtime and ease of retro-fit could make SILA a highly competitive alternative in industrial applications currently served by conventional linear actuation.

Energy capture SILA offers efficient electricity generation using wave or braking energy due to its ultra-efficiency/low backdrive force requirements and predictable backdrive. The red braking resistors in this test setup were needed to store the power generated in a SILA-P8 backdrive test. Wave profile devices are of particular interest as are many forms of active suspension. With no wear and no polluting lubricants or coolants, SILA is well suited for use in sensitive marine environments. Once in mass manufacture, low lifetime cost of ownership, low downtime and ease of retro-fit could make SILA a highly competitive alternative in industrial applications currently served by conventional linear actuation.